Testicular Tumor


Focality of tumor:

Tumor greatest dimension (cm):

Histologic Type:

Pathologic Staging (pTNM) 7th edition AJCC
Primary Tumor (pT):

Regional Lymph Nodes (pN):

Only if pathologically documented metastases:

Spermatic Cord Margin:

Macroscopic extent of tumor:

Microscopic tumor extension:

Venous/Lymphatic (Large/Small Vessel) Invasion (V/L):

Additional Pathologic Findings:

Serum Tumor Markers (S):

S Stage will be determined automatically, but FYI:
LDH: Reference range (135-225) U/L
HCG: Reference range (<2) mIU/mL
AFP: Reference range (0.0-8.7) ng/mL
Serum tumor marker stage:
LDH HCG (mIU/mL) AFP (ng/mL)
S1: <1.5 x nl and <5,000 and <1,000
S2: 1.5-10 x nl or 5,000-50,000 or 1,000-10,000
S3: >10 x nl or >50,000 or >10,000