Procedure: Core needle biopsy Endoscopic biopsy Other (specify): Not specified Specimen Size: Greatest dimension: cm Additional dimensions: cm Cannot be determined (see Comment) Tumor Site: Tumor Size: Greatest dimension: cm Additional dimensions: cm Cannot be determined (see Comment) GIST Subtype: Spindle cell Epithelioid Mixed Other (specify): Mitotic Rate /50 high-power fields (HPF) Note: The required total count of mitoses is per 5 mm2 on the glass slide section. With the use of older model microscopes, 50 HPF is equivalent to 5 mm2. Most modern microscopes with wider 40X lenses/fields require only 20 HPF to embrace 5 mm2. If necessary please measure field of view to accurately determine actual number of fields required to be counted on individual microscopes to count 5 mm2.Necrosis: Not identified Present, Extent: % Cannot be determined Histologic Grade: GX: Grade cannot be assessed G1: Low grade; mitotic rate <5/50 HPF G2: High grade; mitotic rate >5/50 HPF Risk Assessment: None Very low risk Low risk Intermediate risk High risk Overtly metastatic Cannot be determined Distant Metastasis: Cannot be assessed Distant metastasis () Additional Pathologic Findings: Ancillary Studies: Immunohistochemical Studies: KIT (CD117): Positive Negative Others (specify): Not performed Molecular Genetic Studies (eg, KIT or PDGFRA mutational analysis): Submitted for analysis; results pending Performed, see separate report: Performed Specify method(s) and results: Not performed Prebiopsy Treatment: No therapy Systemic therapy performed: Therapy performed, type not specified Unknown Treatment Effect: Percentage of viable tumor: % Comment(s):