Breast Synoptic Work AidSpecimen Laterality: Right Left Not specified Specimen: Partial breast Total breast Other: Procedure: Excision without wire-guided loc Excision with wire-guided loc Total mastectomy Other: Specimen Integrity: Single intact specimen Multiple designated specimens Fragmented Other: Lymph node sampling: No lymph nodes Sentinel lymph node(s) Axillary dissection Lymph node(s) present within breast Other: Specimen size (cm): Histologic Type: Ductal Lobular Only microinvasion present Mixed ductal and lobular Other: Histologic Grade (SBR/Nottingham): 1 (3-5 points) 2 (6-7 points) 3 (8-9 points) Glandular/Tubular Differentiation: 1 (>75% tubules) 2 (10 to 75% tubules) 3 (<10% tubules) Nuclear Pleomorphism: 1 2 3 Mitotic Count: 1 2 3 Invasive carcinoma size (cm): Tumor focality: Single Multiple foci () Indeterminate Size of largest focus: Extent of tumor: Skin not present Skin invasion w/o ulceration Skin ulceration Skin Satellite nodules No skin invasion No skeletal muscle present Skeletal muscle present, no invasion Pectoralis muscle invasion Chest wall beyond pectoralis invasion Nipple Paget disease DCIS does not involve nipple epidermis In Situ Component: None Present LCIS DCIS Mixed DCIS and LCIS: DCIS, EIC positive DCIS, EIC negative Lymphovascular invasion at tumor periphery: Present Absent Margins: Invasive Carcinoma: Margins cannot be assessed Margins uninvolved by invasive carcinoma Distance from closest margin (mm): at Margins involved by invasive carcinoma: Superior Medial Anterior Inferior Lateral Posterior DCIS: Margins uninvolved by DCIS Distance from closest margin (mm): at Margins involved by DCIS: Superior Medial Anterior Inferior Lateral Posterior Lymph nodes: SLNs Examined: LNs w/ Micromets Total LNs examined LNs w/ ITCs LNs w/ Macromets Size of largest metastatic deposit (mm): Pathologic Staging: m: multiple>r: recurrent>y: post tx>pTX: Primary tumor cannot be assessed >pT0: No evidence of primary tumor >pTis (DCIS): Ductal carcinoma in situ >pTis (LCIS): Lobular carcinoma in situ >pTis (Paget): Paget disease of the nipple not associated with invasive carcinoma and/or carcinoma in situ (DCIS and/or LCIS) in the underlying breast parenchyma >pT1: Tumor ≤20 mm in greatest dimension >pT1mi: Tumor ≤1 mm in greatest dimension (microinvasion) >pT1a: Tumor >1 mm but ≤5 mm in greatest dimension >pT1b: Tumor >5 mm but ≤10 mm in greatest dimension >pT1c: Tumor >10 mm but ≤20 mm in greatest dimension >pT2: Tumor >20 mm but ≤50 mm in greatest dimension >pT3: Tumor >50 mm in greatest dimension >pT4: Tumor of any size with direct extension to the chest wall and/or to the skin (ulceration or skin nodules). Note: Invasion of the dermis alone does not qualify as pT4. >pT4a: Extension to chest wall, not including only pectoralis muscle adherence/invasion >pT4b: Ulceration and/or ipsilateral satellite nodules and/or edema (including peau d’orange) of the skin which do not meet the criteria for inflammatory carcinoma >pT4c: Both T4a and T4b pT4d: Inflammatory carcinoma>pNX: Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed (eg, previously removed, or not removed for pathologic study) >pN0: No regional lymph node metastasis identified histologically >pN0 (i-): No regional lymph node metastases histologically, negative IHC >pN0 (i+): Malignant cells in regional lymph node(s) no greater than 0.2 mm and no more than 200 cells (detected by H&E or IHC including ITC) >pN0 (mol-): No regional lymph node metastases histologically, negative molecular findings (reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)) >pN0 (mol+): Positive molecular findings (RT-PCR), but no regional lymph node metastases detected by histology or IHC >pN1mi: Micrometastases (greater than 0.2 mm and/or more than 200 cells, but none greater than 2.0 mm). >pN1a: Metastases in 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes, at least 1 metastasis greater than 2.0 mm >pN2a: Metastases in 4 to 9 axillary lymph nodes (at least 1 tumor deposit greater than 2.0 mm) >pN3a: Metastases in 10 or more axillary lymph nodes (at least 1 tumor deposit greater than 2.0 mm)>cM0(i+): No clinical or radiographic evidence of distant metastasis, but deposits of molecularly or microscopically detected tumor cells in circulating blood, bone marrow, or other nonregional nodal tissue that are ≤0.2 mm in a patient without symptoms or signs of metastasis >pM1: Distant detectable metastasis as determined by classic clinical and radiographic means and/or histologically proven >0.2 mm> Ancillary Studies (please refer to USS-- for details): ESTROGEN RECEPTOR (ER): Interpretation: POSITIVE NEGATIVE OTHER: Not performed Pending Percentage of cells with nuclear immunoreactivity: % Intensity of staining: Absent Weak Medium Strong Antibody clone: (ER2-123 AND 1D5 COCKTAIL) PROGESTERONE RECEPTOR (PR): Interpretation: POSITIVE NEGATIVE OTHER: Not performed Pending Percentage of cells with nuclear immunoreactivity: % Intensity of staining: Absent Weak Medium Strong Antibody clone: (PGR 1294) HER-2/NEU IHC (HercepTest): Interpretation: NEGATIVE (Score ) EQUIVOCAL (Score ) POSITIVE (Score ) OTHER: Not performed Pending Antibody clone: Her-2/neu Reference range for Her-2/neu IHC:Positive: ≥ 3Equivocal: 1.8-2.9Negative: <1.8HER-2/NEU FISH: Interpretation: NOT AMPLIFIED EQUIVOCAL AMPLIFIED: Average number of HER2 gene copies per cell: Average number of chromosome 17 per cell: Amplification Ratio: OTHER: Not performed Pending Name of assay: Abbott Pathvysion Reference range for Her-2/neu FISH:Positive for amplification: >2.2Equivocal for amplification: 1.8-2.2Negative for amplification: <1.8Comments: Comment for triple negative breast cancer: The Her2/neu value is determined to be . This value indicates no significant expression of the Her2/neu protein. Molecular analysis for Her-2/neu gene amplification will be performed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Results will be reported as an addendum. Comment for equivocal Her-2/neu IHC: The Her2/neu value is determined to be . This value may not correlate with increased copy number of the Her2/neu protein. Molecular analysis for Her-2/neu gene amplification will be performed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Results will be reported as an addendum. ER/PR and/or Her-2/neu IHC: COMMENT: Examination of microscopic sections from the referred block confirms the presence of carcinoma in the regions evaluated. Testing was performed on a corresponding level using the FDA approved immunohistochemical assay(s) and the reactivity quantitated by image analysis. TEST DESCRIPTION: Sample(s) were fixed in for no less than six hours and not exceeding 48 hours prior to processing. Testing was performed on the carcinoma using the DAKO ER/PR PharmDx kit FDA approved immunohistochemical assay(s). The reactivity was analyzed by image analysis. Appropriate positive and negative external and internal controls were acceptable. The performance characteristics were validated by the University of Florida Pathology Laboratories.Reference range for ER/PR IHC: Positive: Equal to or greater than 1%Negative: Less than 1%Reference range for Her-2/neu IHC:Positive: equal to or greater than 3Equivocal: 1.8 to 2.9Negative: less than 1.8 Her-2/neu FISH: COMMENT: Examination of microscopic sections from the referred block confirms the presence of carcinoma in the regions evaluated. FISH analysis was performed on a corresponding level. The result is expressed as the ratio of Her-2/neu gene copies/chromosome 17. Clinical correlation of these results in conjunction with Her-2/neu immunohistochemical studies, and clinical findings may be of value in determining further therapy. TEST DESCRIPTION: Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for the detection of the Her-2/neu gene amplification in paraffin embedded tissue was performed using the Abbott Pathvysion FDA approved assay. FISH analysis was performed on the carcinoma. Using fluorescent microscopy, enumeration was performed on the Her-2/neu gene, located at locus (17p11.2-q12) on chromosome 17, and the alpha satellite DNA sequence, located at the centromeric region of chromosome 17 (17p11.1-q11.1). Gene amplification is based on the ratio of Her-2/neu to chromosome 17 in the tumor tissue. External positive controls were acceptable. FISH Probes: Orange LSI HER-2/neu; Green Chromosome 17: CEP 17. The performance characteristics were validated by the University of Florida Pathology Laboratories. Reference range: Positive for amplification: HER2 gene copy greater than 6 or ratio greater than 2.2Equivocal for amplification: HER2 gene copy 4 to 6 or ratio 1.8 to 2.2 Negative for amplification: HER2 gene copy less than 4 or ratio less than 1.8 REFERENCE(S): Hammond, E.H.; et al. ASCO/CAP Guideline Recommendations for Immunohistochemical Testing of Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors in Breast Cancer (unabridged Version). Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2010. 134: e48-e72 Wolff AC, Hammond ME, Schwartz JN et. al.; American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists. American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists guideline recommendations for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 testing in breast cancer. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2007;131(1):18-43. Hofmann M, Stoss O, Shi D, et al. Assessment of a HER2 scoring system for gastric cancer: results from a validation study. Histopathology. 2008 Jun;52(7):797-805. Epub 2008 Apr 18. Path Vysion her-2/neu DNA probe kit (package insert). Downers Grove, III; Vysis, Inc; 2003.